Jun 21, 2018 - Explore Ieva Juknyte's board '16th Karmapa' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Tibetan buddhism, Vajrayana buddhism, Buddhism. Guru Yoga Meditation of the 16th Karmapa. October 12, 2017 Author: Karma Arnab Category: Indian Religions, Religious Behaviour And Experience. Interview with Lama Ole Nydahl about the meditation on the 16th Karmapa. He was cremated in Rumtek.

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One time when the Karmapa and his escorts were travelling from Tsurmang to Tsurphu, they were going through the area of Ani Öd. Ani Pen-kye is the local deity of that area, who had made offerings to previous Karmapas. The deity had offered a huge phurba to the XIVth Karmapa, Tegchog Dorje, for the practice of Dorje Phurba, Vajrakilaya. This deity gave the XVth Karmapa a sword. When the XVIth Karmapa was travelling through the area, the deity came to greet him. The Karmapa was sitting at the table with his escorts and they saw a big zhee (a black and white onyx stone) on the table. Nobody saw where it had come from. The monks looked around but didn’t see anybody, just the precious stone, which was called Ma-me (“Precious Stone without a Cord”). As they continued along their journey and reached a mountain, the Karmapa blessed and offered a white yak to Ninchen Tangla, the local mountain deity; then they set the yak free. The yak went straightforward as though it was being led, but it was on its own. The Karmapa explained that Ninchen Tangla had actually arrived to greet him and that the deity was there to accept the yak and lead it away. It is said that Ninchen Tangla is a Bodhisattva on the 8thbhumi, and the Karmapa told us, “Having met him, this is true, and he looked very majestic. These deities are on the side of goodness, on the white side, and he is one of the most powerful ones.”
HH the 16th Karmapa performing the Black Crown ceremony
16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free
HH the 16th Karmapa (right) with Lama Ole Nydahl (middle) and Hannah Nydahl
16th Karmapa Meditation Pdf Free
HH the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (right) with Jigme Rinpoche
HH the 16th Karmapa with Shamar Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Situ Rinpoche and Gyaltsab Rinpoche in Rumtek
His Holiness the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (1924 -1981) was a completely enlightened Buddhist master.

He was the leader of the Karma Kagyu lineage, and was also respected and consulted by high lamas of other lineages. He was given many names expressing this respect, including “King of the Yogis”.

“Although the 16th Karmapa appeared and acted as a human being, his mind was completely open, without any limitation. He knew everything in an instant and without having to think about it.”
– Lama Jigme Rinpoche in Buddhism Today issue 29

The 16th Karmapa was born in Derge province in Eastern Tibet. The previous Karmapa Khakhyab Dorje (1871-1922) left a letter setting forth the circumstances of his next incarnation. On the basis of this letter the authorities of the Tsurphu monastery were able to successfully locate the child. In 1931 the young incarnate was ordained as a novice monk and offered the Karmapa’s ceremonial robes and the Black Hat. Karmapa studied in Tsurphu monastery for four years, deepening his meditative realization of Sutra, Tantra, Mahamudra, and the “Six Yogas of Naropa”. As a boy he displayed an extraordinary natural insight and often told his teachers about his previous incarnations.

At the age of 23 Karmapa received his final ordination, along with the initiations and explanations of the highest Karma Kagyu teachings. In 1959, due to the occupation of Tibet, Karmapa decided to flee his country, realizing that the cause of the Dharma would be served best by escaping the ever-tightening grip of Communist China. Accordingly, accompanied by an entourage of 160 lamas, monks and laymen, Karmapa left Tsurphu monastery, the traditional seat of the Karmapas, and proceeded towards Bhutan. Under Karmapa’s guidance the party was able to take along the most precious statues, ritual items, relics, thangkas and books, which had been preserved at Tsurphu monastery over the centuries.

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The ruler of the state of Sikkim in North-Western India offered the Gyalwa Karmapa Rumtek monastery, which was built during the time of Karmapa’s 9th incarnation, Wangchuk Dorje (1556 -1603). Karmapa undertook the construction of a new monastery in Rumtek, which due to the generous help of the Indian government and the ruler of Sikkim, was completed in four years. The new monastery in Rumtek became Karmapa’s official seat outside Tibet and a center of Buddhist study, ritual, and practice.

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In 1974 the 16th Karmapa led a party of Karma Kagyu lamas to the West, visiting Europe, America and Canada, and for the first time people in the West had the chance to participate in the Black Hat ceremony, which Karmapa performed on a number of occasions. Invited by his first Western disciples Ole and Hannah Nydahl, Karmapa arrived in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 1974. In November of 1976, Karmapa arrived in New York for a tour through the USA, and in the following year he spent six months on tour in Europe during which he visited Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, France, and the United Kingdom.

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In May of 1980, Karmapa again visited the West, stopping for lectures and ceremonies in London, New York, San Francisco, and Boulder, Colorado. H.H. the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa died on November 5th 1981 in a hospital near Chicago.